Storyboard Technology and the Scripted Failure of the Nation-State
It is very clear that the collapse of the Roman Empire was modeled to script the attack on the United States. Here the nation is the peoples of the territory which is the state proper. Many have attributed the collapse of Rome to rise of homosexuality. It appears that this principle forms the script that supports the unrecognized Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth which is part of MOEC.
Hence a polarization of moral skills and leadership behavior are given to both heterosexuals and homosexuals. The bias is towards homosexuals. The script will escalate criminal activity with a blackmail and extortion ring in a trajectory of crimes of blood. Here the entire line of actors from Cambridge lawyers to the Gay Militia of LAPD have taken a Queen's Gambit. Since I am isolated as a heterosexual their activities in creating a culture and society of moral and positive leadership of LGBTi persons is a catastrophic failure. LAPD has blackmailed and entangled five Irrationalist Presidents - Reagan - Obama along with Republican 2012 Presidential challenger Mitt Romney.
Individualism and a sheer sense of desperate survival entangle the cell of Gay Militants. By escalating this attack on my person and family their descendants will face a higher probability of a transgendered script in the Storyboard.
Currently here in Northern California, it is posited that I support marijuana - false, and am an exclusive homosexual - false, on the contrary I have been a pure heterosexual all my life. This is in Siskiyou County which supported Proposition 8 60 to 40 percent. Also by observation on the street Proposition 8 would win by at least 70 percent. If one was openly Gay here, I do not see any major problems as there is more than enough open space although employment is poor.
The so-called Gay Marriage scripting of quid pro quos is resoundingly a Marriage Breaking or Divorce component in MOEC to fragment society by attacking the family.
The divorce rate here is about 50 percent.
I do not understand the endgame for Cambridge or the United Kingdom. The latter is a small island. The damage and criminal liability that the UK alone would be held accountable for would be staggering.
The LGBTi community has not shown any initiative to intervene while all the sworn LGBTi officials are bearing some responsibility for being criminal or negligent in ommissive behavior to terminate this event.
The preaching activities of Judeo-Christianity, Vedanta, Islam, and Buddhism are all damaged. I do not understand how LGBTi scripting of a Chemical Assault-Scorched Earth is going to support the LGBTi Movement and families now or after official recognition.
The en banc rehearing of Proposition 8 should be completed by the November election. If this case goes to the Supreme Court it could have a direct effect on what is transpiring.
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