Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Value of Life

I have been a member of Amnesty International for over ten years to the present. I have been a member of Partners in Conscience for some time also.

The present calculations of inflation do not take human rights into consideration. The economic hedonistic benefit to cost ratio had me contemplating nullifying my monthly contribution to said organization.

I am far from happy with AI’s condonement of events in the United States.

I have just received my quarterly copy of the magazine Amnesty International.

This saved the contribution which in my opinion would go just as far in web service costs.

The articles Women on the other Side of War and The Killing March were decisive.

The first article by Zainab Salbi details the heroism of women victims in the Democratic Republic of Congo as Jeanette who was raped and had here hands cut off. Thank God her husband did not abandon her. She continues to raise her family.

This article did nothing to swing me to the abolition side of capital punishment.

The latter article was by Richard Reoch and underscores the impunity that is occurring in Sri Lanka and the possibility of such becoming a juggernaut for widespread violence in the region.

Nice work to all involved!

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