Friday, December 01, 2006

Demolition of Homes in Kazakhastan

Demolition of Hindu Houses Continues in Kazakhstan

Posted November 26, 2006

The Kazakh government has demolished more than a dozen homes of Kazakh Hindus, who are members of ISKCON. Kazakh officials have claimed that the land was transferred against Kazakh law. ISKCON devotees claim that this is not true and that this is a case of religious discrimination. On 20 November at 6 am, orders were received for the devotees to demolish their homes or to have them demolished by the state at their expense. The next day, government demolitionists arrived.

By 23 November thirteen houses had been destroyed. The houses that weren't yet demolished have had their windows and window frames destroyed, making them uninhabitable in the freezing Kazakh winter.

ISKCON's leader in Kazakhstan, Govinda Swami, who has attempted to raise international awareness of the problem said : "It is snowing in Kazakhstan and these folks are losing their homes. They entered one home where there was a woman with an infant and started destroying her home."

Indian government is yet to register a protest. The BJP president condemned the attack in a press conference dominated by several other issues.
More images and a video of the attack can be found here Click Here

Forum 18 reports: Click Here

With almost a quarter of the Hare Krishna-owned homes in their Sri Vrindavan Dham commune on the outskirts of Almaty already destroyed, community members are afraid that the rest of the 66 homes - including their temple - could be next. "The community is in shock, but they are determined to defend their homes and place of worship," community member Govinda Swami told Forum 18 News Service. He says destruction of the temple would be "devastating". Neighbouring houses owned by non-Krishna devotees have not been touched.

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