Open Letter to Sen. Boxer D-CA
Chief Beck
Dear Sen. Boxer,
I have lived along the Colorado River at the Blythe CA - Ehrenberg crossing since November, 2009 in continuo. This time period has transpired with President Barack Obama winning the Noble Peace Prize(I was in Big Pine CA).
When one’s citizenship is alienated the collective loses.
The Colorado River is chemically despoiled. This water serves drinking and agricultural interests of California, Arizona, and Mexico.
On Easter April 4 a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck in San Luis, Mexico.
This country is putting severe pressure on it’s allies to help censor an attack on the human race and civilization.
I would like to also call your attention to what some are labeling Gang - Mob - Stalking. Phoebe Prince, a young high school student recently committed suicide after systematic harassment in Massachusetts. Even
In degree a LGBTi militancy, mostly bisexual males has attacked my natural person and citizenship thus catastrophically damaging the natural persons and properties protected by federal law in the United States.
Your career as senator overlaps this Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth. Groups as GLAAD and Amnesty International (I am an AI member) should have their tax exempt status revoked for patronizing the exact behaviors they claim exemption for.
This Gang - Mob - Stalking culture should be reexamined and the federal government should take this is a national security interest. This is a salient feature of the attack on this Irrationalist Counter Culture. Notice I am not stating a sub-culture as the LGBTi platform is now. The Gay Militancy is a Counter Culture having values the opposite of civilization and rationality. They are worse than the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was as the Democratic militia of the 1930s.
This culture is being sanitized. Even Speaker Pelosi was stalked by phone. The police do not think an instant before making an arrest for her.
I struggle by writing memos and posting on the internet. I have been Stalked since June 17, 1987 in Dover, DE.
Delaware has the fastest growing Part I Crime in the USA rising from 17 to 7. This abuse has knocked Delaware AG Biden out of the Senate race for his father’s seat. This crime is driven by this Stalking culture.
In conclusion the State of California is a condition of catastrophic Scorched Earth and the culture is an informant based Gang Stalking mob. You need to go pro-active and go after these individuals and groups.
Chief Beck of LAPD is should also be singled out. You own a home in the Coachella Valley and I am fixture in the region for half a year.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Blythe CA
April 8, 2010
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