Thursday, October 04, 2012

Romney Versus Obama


The Totality of Circumstances is the correct test when an individual confronts one’s government. The acknowledgement of concrete conditions was not evident in the first Presidential Debate between challenger Mitt Romney and incumbent Barack Obama. It has been surmised that Romney won the first encounter with form over a listless performance by Obama.

The setting is one of collusion as the Chemical Assault – Scorched Earth in the United States persists since 1987. Obama is clearly the worst actor based on empirical history. Obama won the last election in 2008 with the Salton Sea chemically destroyed. Stalking has been at an all time high. The systematic abuse of electronic surveillance, stalking, and chemical assault are scripted to degrade the standing of the United States, Constitution, and President.

As seen the allegation is that the United Kingdom is the author and proximate cause of this event. This would leave this nation-state footing the bill for the civil liabilities which may be in the trillions of dollars USD.

There has been mention of creating a separate court system to deal with the principals, accomplices, accessories.

My official position is that this is a crime against humanity, treason against the United States, obstruction of justice and intimidating a witness in a RICO Criminal Enterprise in the simplest format.

The odds of a capital case emerging are probably 100 percent.

Since the attack is based on LGBTi suffrage this gambit undertaken by LAPD officers undermines LGBTi History. It is directly paired with the Gay Marriage issue as Proposition 8 and DOMA which may be heard by the Supreme Court this term.



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