Thursday, May 14, 2009

Amnesty International On Barack

AI has a more liberal impression of Barack Obama than I do. Change is for campaigns and although Obama has fresh ideas he is still obligated to political machinery that is consequential in nature.

It is ok to throw someone  under the bus to save the passengers.

Reality does not change. As the Chemical Assault conditions mount here in the United States the cheerleading and sanitization may be challenged.

FlagstaffDavid Nollmeyer


220px-Barack_ObamaBarak Obama

When he took office on 20 January 2009, President Barack Obama inherited a legacy of torture, impunity and unlawful detention. The legacy is the result of the USA’s response to the attacks of 11 September 2001, a response that has been marked by an assault on the international human rights framework.

Human rights violations – including the crimes under international law of torture and enforced disappearance – were not only committed but were also justified by the US government as necessary and legal.

In November 2008, Amnesty International called on US President-elect Barack Obama to reverse the cycle and put human rights at the centre of his administration’s approach to counter-terrorism.

When he took office in January 2009, we asked President Obama, during his first 100 days, to take 17 concrete steps towards:
Closing Guantánamo and ending illegal detention
Eradicating torture and other ill-treatment
Ending impunity
At the end of the 100 days it is clear that significant steps have been taken, including some to undo damaging detention and interrogation policies developed under the previous administration.

But other changes have been more symbolic than substantial, and the little action taken by President Obama’s administration on accountability for past human rights violations has reinforced the impunity nurtured in the past.

Read our report Mixed messages: Counter Terror and Human Rights – President Obama’s first 100 days to find out how far the new administration’s initial steps have gone towards meeting Amnesty International’s appeal to counter terror with justice.


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