Saturday, May 23, 2009

Open Letter To Sen. Mikulski D – MD


Barbara Mikulski

Dear Sen. Mikulski

It is time to put the affairs of the United States and Maryland in order. The United States is in a State of Treason. There is a full-blown Chemical-Assault - Scorched Earth in continuo.

Surface water in the Owens Valley as the Owens River Canal is completely contaminated. I have to wash my clothes in the canal, I am totally caustic. Maryland has a role in this events as I have lived in Oxford.

The Unnamed Baltimore Studio, a commercial jingle operation are alleged to be mutilating evidence. Much of this pertains to gender orientation and sexual behavior.

As seen it appears that the California Supreme Court is most likely going to sustain Proposition 8 upholding the peoples rights to direct democracy to define that Gay Marriage is not an absolute right and is clearly a state issue.

I argue that my right to have clean air, fresh food, and to be free from cruel and unusual treatment, and suffrage before the court is an absolute and approaches such within the continuum of judicial review in Anglo Saxon and American Jurisprudence.

I am a Proposition 8 supporter, cradle to grave heterosexual as most of my correspondence to you will bear out.

If LAPD which contains a Gay Militancy can target me with Chemical Assault to promote a Gay Agenda then they will simultaneously attack this country and Maryland as the poisoning of the Chesapeake Bay.

I will state that it is incomprehensible for state police and other homeland security agencies to take the tax payers money and purchase caustic chemicals, transport, store, and apply these agents to our air, land, and water.

This is a designed treason. Big Pine, California is a town of 1500 persons and Big Pine High School has about 200 students max. I first appeared here around 17 years ago. The police used to send ladies with their babies in strollers to say hello right in front of the school. These students are about to graduate now somewhere. I went to Oxford Elementary school, two grades to a room, 1- 6 for the second grade.

This country has been subverted into an informant state. Oxford is one of the oldest incorporated towns in the United States. My relatives are buried in the graveyard which dates to 1812. What I am pointing out is that there is no education or tradition to uphold my rights and confront a manifest ACT OF WAR against this country.

What is poor is that the population is and are willing conspirators in a Bacchanal that is destroying this country.

In degree the trajectory of Gay History, Gay Law Enforcement, and Gay Rights are simultaneous perspectives of Gay Irrationalism - Gay Know Nothing. This a pre fascist provocateur stage. Gay Fascism will occur when the intellects appear in attempt sanitize their history.

I am Japanese American also with German ancestors. I know the experience of having to listen to the history of German, Japanese, and Italian Fascism and WWII. In degree I am spiritual practioner in the Hare Krishna faith which also contains some extreme fascist perversions of it’s scripture. I mention the bodily designations to keep things simple.

Sheila Kuehl D - Santa Monica attempted to pass legislation that would prohibit the teaching of history where LGBTi persons did anything wrong. Amazingly Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed this law. His father was in the SS.

Manzanar, a Japanese internment camp is 15 miles south of here in Big Pine.

Your personal duty as a senator is a stake as the discussion correctly turns to treason and an act of war against the United States.

There is a strong allegation that Cambridge Law School of the UK designed this event.

I argue that Barack Obama is an Informant to this country and has committed treason. This would also include the past four presidents. His debate with Dick Cheney is poor theater during a chemical assault.

Thank You for your consideration.

David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA


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