Friday, December 17, 2010

Open Letter: Rick Jacobs Courage Campaign

Rick Jacobs

Dear Rick Jacobs,

Currently I can see that Courage Campaign is active in repealing Proposition 8, defeating Don’t Ask - Don’t Tell -DADT and has considerable input in AIDS-HIV issues.

This presents a unique challenge for LGBTi leadership individuals as Evan Wolfson, Kevin Cathcart, Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsome. I say this because The Right to Marry campaign has not addressed my Right to Marry. I have been a strict heterosexual for very moment of my life. I am trapped in a Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth here Along the Salton Sea, Desert Shores, California to be exact. This is in the same area as Palm Springs - Cathedral City, one of the premier LGBTi communities in the world. The Salton Sea is a Scorched Earth. Food, clothing, and air are also heavily ruined.

If Courage Campaign is exactly that, the organization that you founded and lead, why have you not stepped forward to address my conditions and the suffering of those with AIDS-HIV?

The attack is lead by a Gay Militia from LAPD, their choice of label. This also effects the DADT issue as homeland security officers are paramilitary. LGBTi persons are the only group to have failed as police officers. START talks are about to begin and Presidents Reagan through Obama have all been blackmailed and extorted at my and the human race’s expense.

This Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth is a linear attack on human civilization. The Gay Militia is a Joe Virus. Literally this group will invert all reason resulting in Gay Irrationalism - Pre Fascism. Gay Fascism will emerge when LGBTi apologists emerge to condone the history of this attack which started exactly on June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware. This is the 200th Anniversary of the United States Constitution.

The allegation is the attack was authored in the past by Cambridge lawyers who were also blackmailed and extorted. They wished to end this event without turning themselves in. In lieu of this I have been trained in the basic process and structure of the design. It reduces to prisoner’s dilemma.

What is unique is that if this is movement of Anglo-American design it should benefit the Chinese-Iranian-Korean tryad.

It will also damage LGBTi studies which is emergent. There is no manner in which my relationship to the Right to Marry Movement as headed by Courage Campaign et. al. can be valid.

One reason I wrote today is that victims are outperforming mercenaries. This positions the AIDS-HIV population as a very powerful contingency. Currently the Chemical Assault-Scorched Earth is clearly against those wit compromised immune systems. If the spread of AIDS has any other process and structural relationship with my torture, this would be devastating to the current understanding of AID-HIV.

You and your colleagues should begin to step up an call LAPD and President Obama out on this attack. It is scripted to occur from what I understand in the future. My realization in the past few days is that AIDS-HIV population will definitively be factor in reconciling the damage that a Gay Militia has caused.

I wish to live just as dearly as those infected members of the LGBTi community.

Thank you for your consideration.
Radhe Radhe!!!

Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores CA


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