Sunday, January 09, 2011

It is Official - I Will Challenge LGBTi History


P1010009Salton Sea

Julia Silva works for the APA on violence concerning LGBTi persons. I have made it official that the HIV/AIDS population are very focused target of this Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Campaign.

Hello Julia Silva,

My name is David Nollmeyer. I am the individual with whom the Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth is imposed over.

The Salton Sea in California is a Scorched Earth. My air, food, clothing, and water is deolied. If I walk near a building the police will attack the tap water. I have survived almost 4 years without drinking any water. Most of the beverages at stores iare contaminated at the factory.

There are 600,000 living HIV-AIDS cases.

They are being also killed off.

I am pure heterosexual. Zero same sex acts over 49.5 years of life.

LAPD contains a Gay Militia who have carried out the attack.

You should act.

I am writing you first to inform you that I am openly going to falsify the LGBTi paradigm shift according the basic Kuhn methodology. Hence LGBTi History is censorship and sanitization without recognizing the LGBTi based attack by LAPD against a Straight Male.

Please consider this seriously. I am peaceful.

The HIV-AIDS population are secondary targets and will litigate in the future.

Thank you for your consideration.

David Nollmeyer

Salton Sea


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