Monday, May 24, 2010

West Coast Hoax – Transparency???

Senators Boxer and Feinstein have introduced legislation to ban oil drilling of the West Coast.

The two Senators are environmental charlatans. California is under a severe Chemical Assault – Scorched Earth. This is the same as the Gulf Coast.

The millionaire’s club has never had the courage to recognize the destruction here.

Here is the location in Westwood California that are ecologically minded senators have thrown under the bus. Soap and water will not help. The Obama Administration has been making comments concerning BP and transparency. If these officials are making false records this is called Obstruction of Justice.

Why not use RICO Statutes?

Do what I say and not as I do, appears to be the new Obama Mantra.

I am going to be more direct. I have a myspace site:

The blog is quite decent. Many rockstars have supported Obama. I have been against all the presidents since Reagan. They do not realize they are the secondary targets. When they have toured from at least the 1970s their fans are getting hit in a fractional manner.

I am also going to present my Vedic Hare Krishna faith more prominently. To support these corrupt sworn officials is in Maya.

This contradicts the Second Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita As It Is.


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