Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Obama Presidency Two Years Hence

obama 1-2011Obama January 2011

P1010006 Salton Sea on MLK Day 2011

President Barack Obama has finished two years of his term. He will present his second State of the Union address on the Capitol on Tuesday January 25, 2011. It is likely that he will focus on the economy and job creation as he has in recent days. The foreign wars in Iran and Afghanistan are likely topics as are tensions with North Korea. Obama has just recently had a very high profile week with a State Dinner with Chinese Premier Hu as the featured guest. Human rights were an opening tension at meetings.

Here in is a point of departure to capitulate the Barack Obama presidency. Mr. Obama campaigned with full cognition of the in continuo Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth against my person which objectively functions as a linear attack against human civilization. This alienation of rights is based on a sibling - cohort rivalry under a Father and Mother figure in a neo Freudian format.

It is a duel between Same Sex (homosexuality) and Opposite Sex (heterosexuality). Salient features are a total despoliation of surface and tap water in my presence. This began on February 12, 2007 in Earp, California - Parker, Arizona on the Colorado River.
This is coded-named Radhanatha and is a poison in the well fallacy against an ISKCON diksa guru. I am a ritvik Hare Krishna. This means I accept a deceased guru, Srila Prabhupada as my diksa or initiating guru. In traditional Gaudiya Vaishnavism (Hare Krishna Movement) a living guru has given initiation. Deceased gurus are then called siksa gurus as are other persons who are instructing gurus or teachers.

This activity radiates from cell(s) of a Gay Militia, their choice of words, of Male Same Sex Male MSM officers in Los Angeles Police Department LAPD. I am a pure heterosexual. All this states is that I have had zero MSM activity in 49 years of life. I am one day older than Barack Obama being born August 3, 1961 in Roswell, New Mexico, not in Kenya.

Here two very strong elements of a hate crime are present. They are gender orientation and faith. The near total invertebration of the Bill of Rights has occurred. Under the 8th Amendment - There Shall Be No Cruel and Unusual Treatment renders my stalking as shocking to the conscience. The defection to United States de facto and ommissive interests posits Obama as leading the world’s greatest censorship by his criminal behavior.

President Obama has chosen Joe Biden - of whom lived only several houses away from me in Dover as Vice President, Delaware, Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, wife of ex-president Bill Clinton, and Janet Napolitano ex - governor of Arizona as Homeland Secretary where I have a extensive legal presence. This develops the cohort rivalry under a father figure God and both our natural parents.

The despoliation of the Salton Sea where I am currently writing affects the 51st District of D - Bob Filner, MA University of Delaware and the 45th District of R - Mary Bono Mack who is also 49 years of age being born on October 25, 1961. Her district also includes the Colorado River area described earlier.

As an negative externality the contamination of the environment affects all other persons, life forms, and tangible assets for many miles. It said that up to 1/3 of the country can be disturbed along the freeway routes.

This bring into direct conflict the advocacy and rights of HIV/AIDS positive persons. There are about 1.3 million estimated cases. There are about 600,000 persons estimated to be positive. Of these 40% or 240,000 are said to be MSM persons. About 55,000 new cases are verified each year. This yields roughly 70 MSM cases per day.

The sanitization of the Obama presidency attacks HIV/AIDS positives persons. Obama is a leader for the LGBTi platform. Proposition 8 in California has been struck and is most likely headed to the Supreme Court. Don’t Ask - Don’t Tell DADT will be ending perhaps in Spring of this year.

Bullying or Stalking of LGBTi persons has resulted in numerous suicides of youth. I am the most Stalked Individual in world history to the prejudice of Barack Obama and the LGBTi Advocacy groups that have condoned this violence.

I will focus on LAMBDA headed by Kevin Cathcart as they specialize in legal issues and most leaders are sworn lawyers before the bar. The cohort rivalry focuses on LAPD as sworn MSM officers against an opposite sex Hare Krishna Bhakta. This is directly antagonistic to his curricula vitae.

This is inescapable for anyone investigating the provocateur styled Joe Virus that attempts to use informants of lower qualified persons to drag down superior persons. LAPD is alleging that Cambridge Law School is the Origin and Authorship.

Here according to Kuhn and Popper’s methodologies LGBTi and Presidential History can be immediately falsified. The sociological and psychological methodologies under Kuhn’s system need more third party verification and study but prima facie there are serious anomalies in both discipline areas to confound their standing.

In summary, the Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth against the Salton Sea requires a quantum of force that has never been directed more severely at one individual. The success of using the United States as a catalyst to attack the human race leaves very little credibility to Obama or the economic interest’s position of condoning the trade of damaged and contaminated commodities. The teaching of LGBTi Studies and History is fraudulent as it does not address me nor the effect on HIV/AIDS persons while promoting interests who have taken credit and remuneration for this advocacy.

Barack Obama is 49 years of age. In thirty years he will be just past his natural life expectancy. This leaves him as the target at the executive level as he is the continuum of sanitizing the damage of his predecessors in the Oval Office.

Radhe Radhe!!!
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Along the Salton Sea CA


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