Failures In Leadership and Checks and Balances
Obama’s 50th Birthday
David Nollmeyer 50th Birthday – McCloud CA
The debilitated condition that the United States currently exists in demonstrates leadership failure and a check and balance against de facto and ommissive error. There has not been a correct intervention and remedy to serious violations of United States Federal and State Law.
The media, academia, and faith based organizations have yet to respond which for simplicities purpose we will call a linear problem. This is a Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth designed as an attack on the human race through the United States, California, and Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD).
This criminal activity is irrationalist and has successfully defeated the current schools of western rational management which emerged around the 1700s. For this matter it is also defeating any other alternative approach or theory that may be attempting to redefine management and decision making.
Hence a post modern model stressing diversity and stakeholders has not stopped any illicit activity from proliferating.
Currently President Barack Obama is beginning his defense of his presidency. Governor Rick Perry will announce his intention to run for the presidency in 2012 today August 13, 2011. Neither the Democrats or Republicans can lay claim to protecting life, limb, or property successfully. Inertia, complicity in delivering blackmail and extortion are the process of destruction and incompetence.
Modeling solutions for the future is an Ivory Tower pursuit. What is needed is volition in the president, homeland security secretary, and attorney general.
There is a profound Stockholm Syndrome developed over fatalism and dependency. This game theory based defection pattern only created informants who are alienated antisocials, sociopaths, and psychopaths. The future inheritance of misleadership with no counterweight leaves a staggering amount of despoiled environment and tangible wealth.
The sustainability of culture and society has suffered tremendously from miscarriage of the administration of justice.
These crimes should have been dealt with strongly and with certainty.
The Mythologies of the following presidents should be questioned by sane persons everywhere:
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
William Clinton
George W Bush
Barack Obama