Open Letter Joe Solomense
Dear Joe,
Joe Solomense
As June is LGBTi Month, Human Rights Campaign all members of the Gay Rights Movements should take in to account the legal and historical implications of alienating one or the group from their legal and social position in society,
Fact: There is an in continuo Chemical Assault – Scorched Earth program being operated by a Gay Militia of MSM officers in LAPD. This attack is paired with the Right to Marry. Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell DADT, Defense of Marriage Act DOMA, and Proposition 8 have all met with defeat in the courts. However states still assert their right to define marriage.
A Master Passion
A Chemical Assault – Scorched Earth is an assault with a deadly weapon. It is mala in se. An average rational purpose can clearly discern that such use of chemicals serves no lawful purpose. Creating a hostage scenario and placing LGBTi persons as heroes just for practicing Same Sex is absurd and irrational. This is what is occurring within a blackmail and extortion ring.
As seen President Barack Obama, California Lt. Gavin Newsom, and Attorney General Kamala Harris are all facing potential charges of Treason and Crimes against Humanity. I am in McCloud, CA. The public water fountain is running contaminated water. The creeks flowing of Mt. Shasta are contaminated.
The air, food, and articles as clothing are contaminated. People Clamor for Tyranny. The presidents from Reagan to Obama have all accepted quid pro quos to save themselves and accomplices. The head of state alone censoring and sanitizing this event would put their nation at risk. There is a worldwide censorship of 7 billion persons. My work on is clearly the strongest presentation on the web since 2001. I have contested this hate crime since 1995 in the Federal District of New Mexico as Nollmeyer v. US Government cv- 95-0319.
I am being attacked by a Gay Militia because I am lifelong heterosexual person. My Vedic faith, ritvik Hare Krishna also does not support Gay Marriage.
The allegation is that Cambridge Law School has authored the attack. This would go back to the 1930s. It appears that these lawyers are heavily involved in human right as abuses and spend a very large amount of time orchestrating court cases. It appears a contest emerged between homosexual and heterosexual members, the latter appear to be from Trinity College or the School of the Theology and Philosophy. The strongest allegation is that a MSM lawyer authored the Chemical Assault. Total sanitization has failed and the battle between homosexuality versus heterosexuality as cohort rivalry between MSM police officers and myself.
I openly seek Official Recognition and prosecution of the sworn officials mentioned above.
There has been no credible work to date by an LGBTi persons or groups.
So Joe, if you and the folks at Human Rights Campaign are real why not recognize the CONCRETE CIRCUMSTANCES OFLGBTI SUFFRAGE.
What prescribed duties you refuse to do now in passion and ignorance, will be done by others in the future.
Thank you for consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
McCloud CA
June 16, 2012